Friday, June 29, 2012

Onomatopoeia Art

We have been learning about Onomatopoeia and produced some amazing art based on old comic strips.  Have a look and leave a comment...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Puppet Pals

Recently we have been learning to use an app on our iPads called Puppet Pals.  This is a fabulous application to use for our reading to help us become fluent and expressive readers.  Check out the following plays done by different reading groups in our class.  We have been reflecting on how we did and how we can make it better.  We would love some feedback and feed forward from you as well!!  Please leave us comments!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Last week Matariki began.  We have been studying about Matariki in our class.  Here are some things we have learnt:
  • Matariki is also known as the eyes of God and tiny eyes.
  • Matariki is sometimes known as the seven sisters.
  • Matariki is celebrating the Maori New Year
  • This is time for celebrations, feasts and hangi.
  • Kite flying is a way of celebrating Matariki.
  • Matariki is the Pleiades constellation.  The best time to see it is in early morning at the end of May and early June.
Today we made some yummy Matariki biscuits shaped as stars.  We decorated with sprinkles and silver balls.  When we cracked an egg into the bowl, we had a double yolk egg which is very good luck!  We handed some of our biscuits to the teachers and ate all the rest ourselves.  They were divine!!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Artist in the making

On Sunday QO painted this amazing picture with his Aunty.  They are koru designs that represent his Maori background.  We think it is awesome!!  Take a look and leave a comment...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Spelling City

Hello Room 16,

I hope you are enjoying the long holiday weekend.  Check out the link below.  It is spelling city and has your spelling words for the week.  You can play games and do some activities to help learn your spelling words.


Mrs Melville :)

Spelling City Room 16

Friday, June 1, 2012

Facts about energy by Keas reading group

We published some facts we learnt from a book we read about Energy.  We used Kidspiration to do this.  We really enjoyed doing this, it was fun.  We learnt some really interesting facts.  Take a look below.