Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Room 16 Brainiacs

We have had a busy first few weeks getting to know each other and establishing rules and routines in our class.  We have created our class treaty together and formed a class korowai (cloak) with our class rules and school values on it.  Our rules and values were written on strips of card which were then interwoven to create our korowai.  We added some feathers with our names on it to the top of our korowai.  It looks amazing!  We also agreed on a name for our learning class - The Room 16 Brainiacs!  


  1. Wow R16! Great to see that your class blog is up and running. R13 will have a look at what you are doing each week and you may like to look at ours from time to time.
    I saw your amazing korowai cloak when I came into your class recently. It does look fantastic! Well done! You are creating a wonderful learning community.

  2. I love your website. so gothic. LT

  3. Absolutely fantastic Mrs Melville and Room 16 kids, I love that Quinton can show me all the exciting things that you all do at school, makes me feel like I'm part of your class, keep it up kids your all so clever.

  4. Wow what a great way of showing your room 16 class treaty. You have used your imagination and have presented it effectively. You have been busy.
    Mrs Pittaway
    Howick Primary School

  5. Thank you for your comment. We are very proud of our korowai. Do you have a class blog that we could visit? From Mrs M and Room 16
